Java regex ignorecase
Java regex ignorecase

java regex ignorecase

Ignore case for contains for a string in Java. Description This method compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences. You can use with the CASEINSENSITIVE flag for case insensitive matching. You're better off using toLowerCase() or localeCompare() than using a regular expression. This one will be better than regex as regex is always expensive in terms of performance. Tip: Use the compareToIgnoreCase () method to compare two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences. This method returns true if the strings are equal, and false if not. For example, the below comparison fails, whereas it would succeed using toLowerCase() or localeCompare(). The equalsIgnoreCase () method compares two strings, ignoring lower case and upper case differences. However, using this approach, you need to be careful to escape special regular expression characters. Yes, case insensitivity can be enabled and disabled at will in Java regex. If you want only part of the regex to be case. Nearly all regex engines support it: /G a-b./i string.match ('G a-b.', 'i') Check the documentation for your language/platform/tool to find how the matching modes are specified.

java regex ignorecase

Use enum directly instead of this field. const str1 = str2 = RegExp( '^' + str1 + '$', 'i').test(str2) // true Assuming you want the whole regex to ignore case, you should look for the i flag. This method compares two strings lexicographically, ignoring case differences. This constant will be removed in the future version. You may be tempted to compare two strings using regular expressions and JavaScript regexp's i flag. Below is how you can do case-insensitive string comparison using localeCompare(): const str1 = str2 = str2 // false // 0, means these two strings are equal according to `localeCompare()` So you will either have to use a different method (which would still require you to change every single usage in your code) or escape your strings so that they can be used as a regex. There is no global switch that says 'no regex, please'. For example, you can also compare two strings ignoring diacritics. andjav you are using a method that takes a regex as the argument (see the documentation.

java regex ignorecase

JavaScript's String#localeCompare() method gives you more fine-grained control over string comparison. Str1.toLowerCase() = str2.toLowerCase() // true Using localeCompare() 4 Answers Sorted by: 13 The option to replace case insensitive regex in java is Pattern. If you want to treat uppercase and lowercase letters as equal, so is equivalent to most basic way to do case insensitive string comparison in JavaScript is using either the toLowerCase() or toUpperCase() method to make sure both strings are either all lowercase or all uppercase. The replaceAll function in the class replaces all substring found in that matches the regular expression to replace. When trying to establish what the user has said, I will often use common matching such as: if(voiceResult.Comparing two strings in JavaScript is easy: just use =.


To elaborate, my Android application uses Google Voice Search to return voice results and if the user has applied the setting to 'Block offensive words' it will return 'go away' as 'g* a***' I have a problem where my users have potty mouths. Non-rooted regular expressions (those not beginning with, which anchors the regular expression to the start of the string), and those using the i flag for case insensitivity will not use indexes, even if they exist.

java regex ignorecase


How to escape text for regular expression in Java Chris Fulstows solution will work (+1), however, it may not be efficient, especially if your collection is very large.

Java regex ignorecase